



Critique from Mr Anthony (Tony) Moran (Eng) - Tibetan Spanial Club Of NSW Specialty Show - May 2015

My “find of the day” – the type of bitch who could win anywhere. Lovely head and expression, excellent eye shape and correct shaped skull. Good ear set but carriage could be a bit tidier. Correct length of muzzle. Excellent pigmentation. Good mouth and chin. Excellent neck and top-line. Near perfect size and balance. Excellent front assembly. Good strong rear. Moved well with great attitude and holds her typical shape at all times. Good tail set and carriage. Wonderful temperament. There are only two things I would chance about this bitch, her ownership & her country of residence! (Bitch Challenge & Best In Show)



Contact Details

Andrew & Vanessa Bourne
Angle Vale, SA, Australia
Phone : +61417498087
Email : [email protected]